Monday, 28 April 2008

Monkey Helpers for the Disabled

Wow! Awesome! I know a lot of able bodied people who might well want a pri-mate, - Monkey Helpers For The Disabled

Sadie was trained by Helping Hands, Monkey Helpers for the Disabled, a national non-profit organization with its home in Allston.

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Sunday, 20 April 2008

Dog spam?

Adorable Teacup Yorkie Terrier and English Bulldog!!!

Mr Robert Badeaux <>

My name is Robert Badeaux,i
have 2 puppies at hand and they need a proper good and caring home.My
grand mother left them lonely after she past away last 2 weeks ago and
no body is able to take good care of them and they are cute to be left
out in the cold or winter that can cause any harm to them.Also due to
my profession i dont have the chance to be able to look after them.The
puppies are a Teacup Yorkie and English Bulldog.If you are interested
in buying them kindly email me back as for me to make arrangement on
how to get them to you for a cheap prices.



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Friday, 18 April 2008


Designing and Devising for Carnival: May 10 & 11. Weymouth College.

Are your group entering Weymouth Carnival? Are your children in the procession for the ‘Spirit of the Sea’ festival? Are you a local artist eager to learn carnival art? Are you a teacher who uses dance, mask, costume and music in your work with children? Are you a local dance and drama group?

Then this workshop is for you!


Day 1: Ali Pretty will deliver a presentation on “Carnival – A Global Perspective” and How to Design a Carnival Band, followed by a brainstorming and devising session on a maritime theme. Ali will also introduce the Kinetika “Imagination Our Nation” programme and discuss how Weymouth might link to this in future years.

Day 2: Structural Designer, Tony Mason will lead a practical session on the uses of backpacks for costumes and Ali will lead a brainstorming exercise around a Spirit of the Sea / maritime heritage theme.


We are asking community groups, carnival groups and schools to nominate 2/3 representatives who enjoy practical making (good with their hands!) and who can then teach others back in their group what they have learned (good with their heads!). Artists from all over Dorset can also apply especially if they work with education and community.

All you have to do is e-mail with “KINETIKA MAY WORKHOP” as the subject line. The first 50 participants will be accepted, bearing in mind the recommendations above. Please note that this is a 2-day workshop and participants are expected to attend for the whole of the two days. No bookings by telephone or in writing, please.

The workshop is free and is sponsored by Weymouth College and the Arts Council of England South West. Refreshments / food are not provided.

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

the algo is still the algo man...

What are the benefits of high PR?
Fewer issues of many kinds, I think. With enough PR (or perhaps because of the trust that accompanies that many inbound links) domains seem to acquire a kind of immune system.

I see sites with a high PR home page doing all kinds of things that could be suicidal for a domain with a low PR home page. I sometimes think that the algo cannot automatically penalize in the face of high PR, although we know that a human can certainly place a penalty or ban by hand.

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How to damage competitors google ranking

How to damage competitors google ranking

Google allowing other webmasters to damage your site
1. Inbound links from "bad" places.
2. Hundreds of links from one IP address.
3. Duplicate content:
3a) from competitors scraping your entire site and creating their own from it
3b) from competitors stealing your articles and submitting them to article submission services
4. 301/302 redirect hijacking (after all this time it STILL happens!)

Mentioned here purely to encourage google to address these issues...

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Save Portlands Heritage Coast

This is terrible, apparently it's about to happen, madness...

Petition to: We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to prevent the imminent quarrying of the Jurassic coast of Portland, from Southwell Village to Portland Bill.
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to prevent the imminent quarrying of the Jurassic coast of Portland, from Southwell Village to Portland Bill. More details

Submitted by Michèle Ireland of Southwell Action Team (SAT) – Deadline to sign up by: 25 March 2009 – Signatures: 918

Please sign up to stop this. The law needs changing ASAP. Please email/blog this link to all your friends, get them to sign up too. Email and hassle neil fuller of Stone firms limited too. Lets give them some bad PR!

Otherwise it's going to go from this

to this

Starting mid May, which is a bit pants

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Monday, 14 April 2008


SeoJeans - SEO news: YouTube now offers analytics | eydryan
SEO news: YouTube now offers analytics | eydryan
Posted by eydryan 14 days ago | Go to source: View profile
Category: Google
on the Google Blog, they have just added analytics to YouTube. How is that important to anything? Well, SEO is all about SEM really, meaning that marketing is a great part of SEO efforts, and knowing what your target audience is is very important. Also, monitoring SMO campaigns is made easier with this tool (and getting to know where your traffic comes from, maybe you made it too US-centered).

Saturday, 12 April 2008

Dads site


Bioresonance info
Bio-resonance Therapy is a comprehensive, effective, non-invasive and safe energy therapy that helps the body rebalance its systems for improved health. It addresses the body in a truly integrative and holistic way.


got the energy capsule from my Dads magic healing machine.Very heavy and impressive... Like a physics reference source... It's been charged with the healing energies from the daily remote treatments he's been running since the rebuilding and should gently heal me between treatments, and get more charge during each treatmernt. Bargain!

It's called e-lybra 9 energy balancing system, distributed by world development systems, and I've found the web site...

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Tis all a bit strange

channel after channel existing purely as a vehicle for advertising, all media?

The Rich Jerk - The Official Website

Thursday, 10 April 2008

Weymouth arts network on Flikr

Free Cinema Tickets for the Disabled

bargain! hope uci participate... sure I've blogged this before...

The Cinema Exhibitors' Association Card
Welcome to the Cinema Exhibitors' Association Card Website. This is a national card that can be used to verify that the holder is entitled to one free ticket for a person accompanying them to the cinema.

Useful geeeek reading...

How to track visitors
Website Analytics - Tracking and Logging

One of my clients web stats-I think I helped

Wednesday, 9 April 2008


About KML - Google Earth User Guide
About KML

KML, or Keyhole Markup Language, is an XML grammar and file format for modeling and storing geographic features such as points, lines, images, polygons, and models for display in Google Earth and Google Maps. You can use KML to share places and information with other users of Google Earth and Google Maps. You can find example KML files on the KML Gallery and Google Earth Community site that describe interesting features and places.

A KML file is processed by Google Earth

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The chap

Super! Part of their charter...

Society has become sick with some nameless malady of the soul. We have become the playthings of corporations intent on converting our world into a gargantuan shopping precinct. Pleasantness and civility are being discarded as the worthless ephemera of a bygone age - an age when
men doffed their hats to the ladies, and small children could be counted upon to mind one's Jack Russell while one took a mild and bitter in the local hostelry.


Published on subbmitt the easiest social bookmarking so far?

Subbmitt - Spread The News
The rantings of a cripple



About KML - Google Earth User Guide
About KML

KML, or Keyhole Markup Language, is an XML grammar and file format for modeling and storing geographic features such as points, lines, images, polygons, and models for display in Google Earth and Google Maps. You can use KML to share places and information with other users of Google Earth and Google Maps. You can find example KML files on the KML Gallery and Google Earth Community site that describe interesting features and places.

A KML file is processed by Google Earth

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Cripplerant Stats

Not too bad. Awesome visit duration. Thanks guys.
clipped from
Site Summary
  Average Per Day11  
  Average Visit Length7:07  
  Last Hour2  
  This Week78  
  Average Per Day28  
  Average Per Visit2.5  
  Last Hour3  
  This Week193  
 blog it

Monday, 7 April 2008

Interesting info on Triond

you don't want Triond to be your sole source of income? Or do you? Ultimately it's down to how good your work is and how well you and triond promote it. Page serves is where it's at.

Cheap Talk: Triond Payment
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Triond Payment

I was just paid $0.58 by Triond. This amount works out to less than the minimum wage in the jurisdiction where I worked on the articles. The Ontario Employment Standards Act states:

Sunday, 6 April 2008


Wales promised NHS revolution - icWales
The new hospital, which will serve the mid-Valleys area of Glamorgan and Gwent, will have twice the outpatient facilities and half the inpatient beds of the traditional 20th century hospital, as the NHS moves away from institutionalised healthcare towards a community-based system.

Saturday, 5 April 2008

published again! this is ace, I wonder how much I'll earn? check out triond

Citizens' Advice

Citizens' Advice

by theonewhoistall, Apr 5, 2008
A true experience, amusingly contrasting the good and bad of the citizens' advice bureau.

Remember I said how helpful citizens advice had been? It's true, the representative who visited me really knew her stuff and was incredibly helpful, and efficient. Letters were sent out within a few days.


Here's an up to date version of my CV, feel free to forward it...

< Main < TWiki

looks interesting

Hi, by the way. I've just started this as my work blog and will be posting rants and so on along the way. I also use blogging as a way of keeping track of my research online, as above for example.